Yes, I’d pose nude... But only on one condition! Sky Sports presenter Kirsty Gallacher reveals she’s not as prim as you think
By Spencer Bright
Last updated at 12:10 AM on 26th November 2011
Kirsty Gallacher isn’t having a great day. She’s all flustered, having damaged a door on her Audi 4x4 colliding with a bollard in the Sky TV car park. ‘I just didn’t see it,’ she says. ‘I got a bit teary when I banged it. I’m not a reckless person. I’ve been up since 3.30am so I blame it on that. I’m an emotional girl. Sensitive.’
She’s still a little discombobulated when we meet but quickly regains her composure. That’s what she’s done for a living for the past 13 years or so: present a calm, bright-eyed image to the world. She started out as a sports news presenter and veered off into light entertainment via Gladiators on Sky1, Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway on ITV1 and the National Lottery show.
She returned to Sky this summer, and so avoided being caught up in the controversy that exploded there in January when presenters Richard Keys and Andy Gray were sacked for crude sexist remarks. She’s uncomfortable the subject is even raised.

Kirsty started out as a sports news presenter and veered off into light entertainment via Gladiators on Sky1, Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway on ITV1 and the National Lottery show
‘I’ve never experienced sexism at Sky. I wasn’t at Sky when those things happened and I’ve never worked with any of the people involved, so I don’t think it’s fair to comment. It’s not my understanding of the way Sky is run.’
I bring up a comment made by Samantha Brick, a former Sky TV executive, who said, ‘If Kirsty had heard what people said about her, she would have been horrified. Male producers made regular comments about her cleavage and said she was only on TV because she is attractive.’ It’s the first time Kirsty has heard this allegation and she’s horrified. ‘It couldn’t be further from the truth. I wouldn’t have come back otherwise.’ Kirsty began presenting at the age of 22. In those early days, objections were aired by male die-hards.
I was badly advised with Loaded. But at least I didn’t do underwear... I wouldn’t do it again. It’s not me. It’s out of my comfort zone.
‘When Gabby Logan and I started, traditionalists said, “Do I want a woman reading my football scores?” I think people are more understanding now. I don’t see it as a male world any more. There are many more female sports presenters now. Going back to Sky, I feel equal. People know I know what I’m talking about. I’m 35 now, I’ve got presenting experience and knowledge of sport. I’ve proved I can do my job.’
Can she see a day when all post-match pundits are women? ‘I can certainly see it. Why not?’ Kirsty considers the leading female sports presenters as friends. ‘Gabby, Kelly Dalglish, Clare Balding, I look up to all of them. I’m not saying I’m anything like them. They are brilliant at their job. I’m just saying to be in a group of women of our age is very exciting – to have slightly pioneered it.
‘I’m competitive in sport but I’m loyal to people around me. Yes, I want to succeed, but I’d never run anyone over for it. Gabby and I are too close for that. We always help each other and embrace what we’re doing. And Georgie Thompson and I are doing Sky Sports together now. It’s about teamwork rather than an “I’m out to get you” attitude.’

Kirsty with husband Paul and son Jude last year
Kirsty has always inhabited the world of celebrity and even calls Sir Bruce Forsyth ‘Uncle Bruce’. He was a neighbour on the Wentworth golf estate where she grew up. She’s friends with his daughter Louisa, and Bruce and her father, former Ryder Cup captain Bernard Gallacher, are good friends. It seems odd therefore that she feels uncomfortable being in the spotlight.
‘I didn’t want to be a presenter. I wanted to work in fashion.’ She graduated from the London College of Fashion and took a job with upmarket designer Joseph Ettedgui. She was offered a job at Sky after meeting the head of Sky Sports at a dinner with her father.
‘I thought, “I love my sport so it’s tempting.” But I didn’t want to be a presenter, so I started as an editorial assistant and worked my way up to assistant producer. It wasn’t like nowadays, with all the celebrity magazines and people who just want to be in the limelight.’
Nonetheless, she got sucked in and agreed to do photoshoots for lads’ magazines Loaded and the classier but no less raunchy Arena. ‘I was badly advised with Loaded. But at least I didn’t do underwear. Loaded was sportswear and Arena was swimwear. I enjoyed the Arena shoot because I worked with a great photographer and shared a cover with Daniel Craig. But I wouldn’t do it
again. It’s not me. It’s out of my comfort zone.’
That’s all in the past, although she would take her clothes off for one person: Mario Testino for the cover of Vogue. ‘Come on, wouldn’t anyone? It would be an honour working with a photographer who is so highly thought of.’ Kirsty has been with her husband, retired rugby star Paul Sampson, for ten years though they only married in July last year. They have two sons, Oscar, five, and Jude, one.
‘Paul sadly lost his dad six years ago, which was a massive shock, and with all that was going on in his career – he had some horrible injuries – there were more important things to do than marry. But then he asked me when I was pregnant with Jude and that was that.’ They wed in Spain, near Seville.
‘It was the best day. It was worth the nine-year wait.’ They’re a very close-knit family. ‘My job is very important, but it’s secondary to my children. I’m constantly worrying about them. If I were to work with animals or children I’d become an emotional wreck, quite frankly. Mike Wedderburn, who I work with on Sky Sports News, has to vet the newspapers in case there’s a horrible story about animals because my eyes go…’ she indicates teariness, ‘and I’m just beside myself.’ Kirsty, it seems, is still very much a woman and mother in a hitherto very male world.
Kirsty Gallacher presents Good Morning Sports Fans on Sky Sports News.
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