Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rhodes scholarship - news and photos


Rhodes Scholarships Won by 5 at Stanford, 4 at Harvard
20 (Bloomberg) -- Stanford University students won five Rhodes Scholarships, while Harvard, Brown and Princeton students took four each as the 32 US recipients of one of the world's most prestigious academic awards were named today. ... read more

Coach's Rhodes Claim Under Review by Yale
NEW HAVEN — Yale University began an internal review Thursday to determine if its football coach, Tom Williams, was being truthful when he listed himself as a Rhodes scholarship candidate on his résumé. ... read more

FSU Student Advanced to Rhodes Scholarship Final Round
Now, having just turned 20, she can add “Rhodes Scholarship Finalist” to her awe-inspiring résumé. Lewis navigated the grueling, months-long Rhodes application and interview process to advance to the final round of competition for the distinguished ... read more


Rhodes Scholarship - Wikipedia
The Rhodes Scholarship, the
his Rhodes scholarship in
2006 Rhodes Scholar
won Rhodes Scholarships,
2011 Rhodes Scholars Official
23rd Rhodes Scholarship
The Rhodes Scholarship
Rhodes Scholarships provide

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