Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pat Sharp latest victim to leave I'm A Celebrity... after losing out to Fatima in grisly Bushtucker trial

'It was like going up against Rambo': Pat Sharp latest victim to leave I'm A Celebrity... after losing out to Fatima in grisly Bushtucker trial

By Lucy Buckland

Last updated at 11:25 PM on 27th November 2011

She is an Olympic champion with nerves of steel, he is a former children's TV presenter -no wonder Pat Sharp looked slightly on edge when he was told his jungle survival depended on beating Fatima Whitbread.

And not surprisingly it was Fatima who triumphed in the latest Bushtucker trial, meaning the 50-year-old DJ was evicted from the Australian camp.

But it wasn't all plain sailing in the trial, called ‘Fill Your Face - Extreme’, after a cockroach crawled up Fatima's nose.

Battle of wills: Pat Sharp went up against Fatima Whitbread with a helmet full of soldier crabs first
Battle of wills: Fatima kicks off the trial, which lived up to its name -Fill Your Face -Extreme
Battle of wills: Pat Sharp went up against Fatima Whitbread with a helmet full of soldier crabs first

Because Pat and Fatima, 50, received the least number of public votes and went up against each other in the Bush Tucker Trial ‘Fill Your Face - Extreme’.

The Olympic champion had just had 7,500 cockroaches poured into her Perspex helmet when one of the critters crawled into her nose.

The trial was halted as Fatima felt the cockroach crawling around her nose and she tried in vain to blow it out naturally.

Spiders: Pat put on a brave performance abut it wasn't enough to beat the Olympic champion
Spiders: Pat put on a brave performance abut it wasn't enough to beat the Olympic champion

Creepy crawlies: Pat Sharpe keeps his mouth close as critters are placed in his helmet
Creepy crawlies: Pat Sharpe keeps his mouth close as critters are placed in his helmet
A medic had to be called to syringe her nasal passage and after a couple of attempts it sluiced the creepy crawly through her nose and out of her mouth.
At the start of the trial, Ant and Dec asked how they were feeling. Fatima said: 'What will be will be…I am certainly not ready to go home yet and I will give it a good go'.
Too close for comfort: Fatima and the cockroaches
Too close for comfort: Fatima and the cockroaches

Cough it up: Fatima said she endured the cockroach up her nose throughout the trial
Cough it up: Fatima said she endured the cockroach up her nose throughout the trial

Washed out: Fatima needed to have a medic sluice her nose to get rid of the cockroach
Washed out: Fatima needed to have a medic sluice her nose to get rid of the cockroach

Snake in the grass: Fatima keeps clam as snakes climb into her helmet -the Olympic champion took the task in her stride
Snake in the grass: Fatima keeps clam as snakes climb into her helmet -the Olympic champion took the task in her stride

Not relishing the prospect of going up against an Olympic athlete, Pat said: 'I would like to stay as well, I think I have done ok so far in everything I have been asked to do, my mate here agrees we have known each other a long time.

'It is going to be difficult going up against her in anything. Not even just the physical but she also has the mental strength of an athlete'.

Terrified: Funhouse presenter Pat Sharp looks grim faced as snakes fill the helmet
Terrified: Funhouse presenter Pat Sharp looks grim faced as snakes fill the helmet

The object of the trial was to put on a plastic bubble helmet which would be filled with various jungle creatures and stand in it for 30 seconds to score a point. There were five rounds and the person that scored the most points wins and goes back to camp and feeds the camp.

It was decided in a coin toss over who would go first with Fatima winning and strategically decided to go first. Inside the helmet Fatima faced soldier crabs, which she remained focused and won a point. When asked how that one was Fatima smiled: 'Not too bad that one…not too bad'. Pat attempted the same round appearing more nervous but also won an equal point.

Close call: My hands are tied: The tie-breaker challenge involved digging into a box of meal worms and slime and competing to find three stars with their mouths and hands tied behind their back

It was then Pat’s turn to go first in round two and this time they had to face meal worms, crickets and scorpions. Pat looked petrified when asked how he was feeling by Ant and Dec and replied 'Never better'.

When asked how she was feeling Fatima chanted: 'bring it on!' and added 'it’s not a problem…I enjoyed it I am in the zone'.

Round three Fatima turn was up and was asked by Ant and Dec if there was anything she wouldn’t like she replied: 'I don’t like things that bite…I will deal with it I am not going to give in'.

Pat replied: 'I am going to try my best I am up against a world champion but whatever I have been here before'.

Winner: A triumphant Fatima shows her off winning smile

Pat was then straight into round four and had to endure five snakes.

But it wasn't a unbearable defeat as Pat managed to go to deadlock against Fatima.

He said: Look I am up against the toughest woman in the world and I don’t just mean in sport…living with her is just like living with Rambo no offence she is tough I am going to try my best'.

Fatima then went into the fifth and final round and needed to endure 7,500 cockroaches and struggled when one got up her nose. She shrieked: 'I can feel it wriggling in my nose'.

Kiss of luck: Pat Sharp and Fatima before going head to head in the Bush Tucker trial
Kiss of luck: Pat Sharp and Fatima Whitbread before going head to head in the Bush Tucker trial

Eventually the critter was freed when Dr Bob placed a water syringe up her nose.

Pat then decided to compete against Fatima in the final round and reached a tiebreaker with both winning the five points.

The tiebreaker challenge involved Fatima and Pat digging into a box of meal worms and slime and competing to find three stars with their mouths and hands tied behind their back.

Fatima got stuck in there and found all three making her the winner and Pat now evicted. Fatima on her win claimed: 'when it is head to head you just have to get in there and work until you get to the end there is no point stopping'.

As he left the jungle Pat said he wanted his pal Mark Wright to be crowned King of the jungle.

Out: Pat Sharp said he would have loved to have been crowned King of the jungle
Out: Pat Sharp said he would have loved to have been crowned King of the jungle as he was interviewed by Ant and Dec this evening

Looking forward to seeing the missus: Pat Sharp, with wife Monica, said he wanted Mark Wright
Looking forward to seeing the missus: Pat Sharp, with wife Monica, said he wanted Mark Wright

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