Over the past couple/few years, as I've been doing lots of travel, I've started to look for crime fiction set in the locations I'm travelling - preferably written by locals, where possible. Last year I spent Christmas in Germany, and read SELF'S MURDER by Bernhard Schlink (translated from the German). While travelling through Egypt in December and January, I picked up a copy of THE ANUBIS SLAYINGS by PC Doherty, and read that. And when stopping over in the Kuala Lumpur airport on the way home, I went searching for Malaysian crime fiction. Finding none, I settled for BANGKOK EIGHT by John Burdett (I had spent about 30mins in Bangkok airport too) - a very fortuitious purchase - it was excellent.
So, with a Thailand/Cambodia/Vietnam itinerary on the cards, I've been wondering about crime fiction set in Southeast Asia. Clearly Burdett is an uber-terrific option when it comes to evoking a rich sense of Bangkok and Thailand. But what about Cambodia and Vietnam? Are there any local authors with books in English translation? Are there any English-speaking authors who've set good or great crime novels there?

With a bit more digging, I came across a thriller novel set in Cambodia's capital, released earlier this year: PHNOM PENH EXPRESS by Johan Smits, a Belgian author who has been living for several years in Cambodia as an ex-pat.
I'm quite excited about this one, especially by some comparisons to Burdett. Apparently PHNOM PENH EXPRESS is available from Monument Books in Phnom Penh, so I'll have to see if I can arrange a little detour while we're in the city, if I can't get my hands on it beforehand. You can read more about PHNOM PENH EXPRESS here.

UPDATE: According to Smit's Facebook page for the book, it is now available in Thailand as well, including from Bangkok airport - so I will try to get my hands on a copy before I enter Cambodia. I have a few hours to kill in the airport until Helen arrives from London anyway.
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