Ellory, who was orphaned as a young boy, later spent time in jail for poaching, became a rock guitarist, wrote 22 unpublished novels in longhand before he was first published, and now has published seven novels. His New Zealand tour is in support of his upcoming book, THE SAINTS OF NEW YORK. Already Ellory's books have won or been shortlisted for several major crime fiction awards, including the CWA Steel Dagger for Best Thriller (shortlisted twice), the CWA Dagger in the Library, and the Barry Award for Best British Crime Fiction (shortlisted twice). And just last month Ellory won the Theakstons Old Peculier Crime Writing Award, for his novel A SIMPLE ACT OF VIOLENCE, at the recent Crime Writing Festival in Harrogate.
Ellory will be in New Zealand from 8-10 September. You can see him at the following public events:
Wednesday September 8 – AUCKLAND
Takapuna Paper Plus presents RJ Ellory at Takapuna Library
Time: 6pm for light refreshments, 6.30pm start
Takapuna Public Library,
The Strand, Takapuna
Cost: $5.00 (Friends of the Library $2)
RSVP: email helenw@shorelibraries.govt.nz or phone Helen Woodhouse 486-8469
Thursday September 9 – NELSON & WELLINGTON
Page & Blackmore Booksellers present RJ Ellory at Nelson Library
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Activity Room,
Elma Turner Library
Cost: Free
For more information: email info@pageandblcokmore.co.nz or phone 03 548 9992
Meet the Author Event at Marsden Books
Time: 5.30pm
Marsden Books,
159 Karori Rd, Wellington
Cost: Free
RSVP: by September 2, marsdenbooks@kauri.co.nz or 04 476 8066
Friday September 10 – DUNEDIN
RJ Ellory at Mosgiel Library
Time: 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Mosgiel Library
7 Harstonge St
Cost: Free
Bookings: email library@dcc.govt.nz or phone 03 474 3690 (ticket collection Mosgiel Library)
RJ Ellory at Dunedin City Library
Time: 5.30pm
Lvl 4, Dunedin City Library,
230 Moray Place
Cost: Fee
Bookings: email library@dcc.govt.nz or phone 03 474 3690 (ticket collection City Library)
For more information contact Orion Publicist Gemma Finlay
gemmaf@hachette.co.nz / 09 478 1033
I will be heading along to the Auckland event. I'm very much looking forward to meeting Ellory in person, having heard great things about him and his books. I am about to start SAINTS OF NEW YORK, and also have a copy of THE ANNIVERSARY MAN. I'll make sure I grab him for a quick 9mm interview too, and share that with you all here on Crime Watch.
Have you read any of RJ Ellory's work? What do you think of him winning the Theakston? Are you looking forward to THE SAINTS OF NEW YORK? Are you going to head along to any of his events in New Zealand (or Australia and other tour stops)? Thoughts and comments welcome.
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