For those of you that aren't yet familiar with EuroCrime, it is a site for fans and would-be fans of British and European crime fiction. It includes both British and other European crime fiction writers (that have been published in English) as well as non-European born authors who are strongly associated with European crime fiction (eg. Donna Leon). Euro Crime reviews the latest books and its other features include a comprehensive bibliography section, a summary of upcoming titles, author websites, details of events, links to newspaper reviews, crime fiction award results and a regular competition.
It's a fantastic website, and a must-visit for any keen crime fiction fan.
One of the improvements Karen Meek has made recently is a list of reviews by reviewer. I have sporadically reviewed for EuroCrime, and you can see a list of my reviews for EuroCrime thusfar, and click through to the reviews themselves, here.
Yes, it's a rather meagre tally at the moment compared to some of the other fantastic EuroCrime reviewers (and there is no way I will ever catch the relentless Maxine Clarke - I started counting her reviews and gave up after I was at 40-something and still in the 'Cs'), but hopefully I will add more EuroCrime reviews over time. There are already a couple more pending, and there are some fantastic European authors waiting to be read on my TBR bookshelves.
In the meantime, swing by the site and have a look around. It'll be worth your while.
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