going to be away until the 5th october. by the time most of you are reading this i should be in munich. for a number, great number, of years i have felt the need to visit germany and poland. sure i will be there for oktoberfest and that's a plus. but the real reason for this trip is to visit the sites of man's greatest inhumanity to man. the warsaw ghetto. dachau. auchwitz. it's a pilgramage for me. i planned this once before. and then 9/11 happened and the world went upside down, again. so here i am 10 years later and on my way. friends and family ask me why. my only answer is that i feel the need to go. i am called to do this. my spirit demands that i do this.
so leaving film and tv and everything else behind i am there. i'll see you in a couple of weeks. i hope you return when i return and that you understand my need to be away. we all have things that 'pull' us. this horrific moment in history has always pulled at me.
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