Now those of us in New Zealand can finally get to see the documentary this weekend, with Ngaio Marsh - Crime Queen due to be broadcast on TV ONE this Sunday, 12 June, at the somewhat more reasonable time of 10.20pm. It should also be available 'On Demand' from the TVNZ website following the screening (I'm not sure whether overseas Internet users can watch or not, given regional licensing etc).
I'm looking forward to seeing this, as it seems like a fascinating production that has been put together - acclaimed actor Peter Elliott (Until Proven Innocent, Heavenly Creatures, Shortland Street) plays Inspector Alleyn, the urbane English gentleman police detective who stars in all thirty two of Marsh's internationally renowned best selling detective novels, who comes to life to go in search of his creator, Ngaio Marsh. Elliott (pictured above, as Alleyn) says of his role, "I found playing Detective Inspector Roderick Alleyn one of the most peculiar experiences of my life. It was like shipping coals to Newcastle, interviewing Eton and Oxford educated personalities in England as a private school, University educated, upper class character. It was a phenomenon both very odd and most enjoyable, this process of sleuthing around."
Elliott concludes, "Ngaio Marsh has joined the company of people to whom I am very grateful. She came to feel like a compatriot, a parent, a friend. I came to feel like one of Ngaio's Boys."

Artsville: Ngaio Marsh - Crime Queen takes us behind the scenes and behind the public persona of this most private woman. We meet the people who were intimate and important in her life. There are her acting protégés from her days directing student theatre at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch. It is like a cast party after one of her Shakespearian productions: Elric Hooper, Jonathan Elsom, David Hindon, Gerald Lascelles, Brian Bell and Annette Facer are all interviewed. These, were her student ‘players’ whom she referred to as ‘sons and daughters of the house’, because they were not just actors, they were her family. They share both their reverent and irreverent memories of Ngaio – and in so doing bring her alive for a new audience. Their stories are compelling reminders that there is a fascinating history here at risk of being lost.
You can read some more information about the involvement of people in Canterbury, who knew Ngaio Marsh from her theatre days in Canterbury, here.
Elliott as Chief Inspector Roderick Alleyn and biographer Jo Drayton walk the streets of Knightsbridge in England, Ngaio stayed with actor Jonathan Elsom and the Rhodes family that she adored, and we see the flat where she wrote her first crime detective novel A Man Lay Dead (1934). Alleyn is teased by 'glimpses' of 'Ngaio' during his investigation as she walks down a London street, sits reflecting in a café or slips into a radio studio for a recording. 'Ngaio' is adept at luring her Detective on, only to evade and escape revelation. This is a cat and mouse game played by two professionals. Who is stalking who and why? Does Ngaio want to be discovered, to finally reveal who she is behind her masks?
Artsville: Ngaio Marsh - Crime Queen, TV ONE, 10.20pm, Sunday 12 June 2011.
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