Here's the blurb: "Battle-scarred but indefatigable PI Cliff Hardy has lost all his dough to an unscrupulous financial advisor. He's got to follow the money trail deep into Sydney's underbelly into the territory of big money and bent deals to get himself back in the black. Cliff Hardy may still have the moves but he's in trouble. The economy's tanking and he's been conned by an unscrupulous financial advisor and lost everything he's got. Cliff only knows one way and that's forward so he's following the money trail. WC It's a twisted road that leads him down deep into Sydney's underbelly into the territory of big money bent deals big yachts and bad people. Cliff's in greater danger than ever before but he's as tenacious as a dog with a bone."
I'm looking forward to the read, my first Australian crime novel of 2011, and one from a master.
Don't worry about comments today - just go and pre-order BOUND from your local bookstore or online retailer. Seriously. I had high expectations, but they were surpassed.
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