Recently I headed down to Nelson (my hometown) for a bit of a break, and browsed a couple of cool secondhand bookstores while I was there. There are a handful of out of print Kiwi crime books and authors that I've been trying to find copies of for quite a while, so I'm always looking out for them, along with any other books that fall within the genre that I might stumble upon. At one store I ended up walking out with about 8-10 such 'forgotten' Kiwi crime novels, including three I'd been trying to find for ages - one of which was BLUE BLOOD by Stevan Eldred-Grigg.

Eldred-Grigg's most recent book is the acclaimed non-fiction work DIGGERS, HATTERS, AND WHORES, a very lively account of the gold rushes from the 1850s to the 1870s which were "the biggest single event in the history of colonial New Zealand".

BLUE BLOOD is set in 1929, and the back cover blurb reads as follows:
"Summer, 1929. Three young women are rocketing across the hot Canterbury Plains in a fast roadster: smoking, drinking - laughing. But soon all this is to change. In a plot worthy of a Ngaio Marsh fiction, lives are about to be shattered by shafts of jealousy, madness and revenge.
The young Ngaio herself, seated at breakfast a few weeks later in the family bungalow on Cashmere, bites into a slice of toast and sight with irritation as her mother rustles the newspaper and comments on page one's shocking story. Two young local women, severely mutilated, pots of blue paint spilled on the bodies...
Stevan Eldred-Grigg's brilliant novel is a tough tale about a woman at the turning point of her creative and emotional life. It is also an enquiry - both mischievious and disturbing - into the psychopathology of a murder which might affect even the author herself."
It certainly sounds intriguing. On its release there was some media debate about whether or not the novel "cruelly defames... a cultural icon of New Zealand". Auckland journalist and reviewer Claudia Marquis called it "an enjoyable hour or two of bitchy pleasure". At least Dame Ngaio was being recognised as a cultural icon, I guess. In some ways we seem to have forgotten her a little now - at least in the wider public consciousness - although hopefully that is changing.
So I'm very much looking forward to trying BLUE BLOOD for myself, both to see Eldred-Grigg turn his hand to crime fiction (parody or not), and to form my own opinion on the (now largely-forgotten, like the book) controversy.
Have any of you read (or even heard of) this hard-to-find piece of New Zealand crime fiction history? What do you think of crime novels that incorporate fictionalised versions of real characters? Do you like scouring secondhand bookstores? What are some of the coolest books you've found in secondhand stores? Please share your thoughts and comments.
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